Tempi Tasks: Professional Collaborations Made Easy

Take the headache out of collaborating with people you meet on temporary projects.

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Reduce Your Stress For Temporary Collaborations

Tempi is more than a digital business card, you can power professional collaborations and invite anyone you meet.

Managing Professional Collaborations

It’s like a gig economy tool when you need it.

  • Tasks & Checklists

    In the Task, create a checklist of subtasks for the Task with their own schedule of due dates & times.

  • Invite Anyone

    Synch your contacts and invite anyone to a Group, Shared Folder or Task and begin collaborating today with flexible team communications.

  • Task Chat Channel

    Task Chat enables clear collaboration among each member as well as monitor of the Task efforts, from beginning to completion.

  • Monitor Progress

    Task status, progress, and checklist item completion are displayed on the task and in the task chat for easy monitoring.

Have a large project? Create a Group.

It’s like facebook groups with a slack like team messenger for projects, teamwork, or community.

Group Page
Each Group page is provided a community ‘posting’ board as well as dashboard access to the assigned Group’s Messenger.

Integrated Team Messenger
Tempi messenger for each group page you create or join. Create Channels, DMs, and store files in your Tempi shared folders. Every page is automatically assigned a slack-like team messenger.

Group Tasks & Chats
Monitor your individual task projects & chats for your Temporary Team. Invite vendors, clients, or other members to individual group projects without needing to add them to the team.

Manage Shared Folders
Create shared folders for your temporary team or project and save files from your group chats or tasks to any of your folders.  

Build Better Culture

Get To Know Each Other Better

Imagine if your Link-in-Bio was integrated with projects to help users share contact info, payment apps, and anything they need to learn with the people they work in temporary projects or groups.

Get started for free

Unlock the full potential of your professional relationships with Tempi. Join now to revolutionize your productivity, work life, and happiness.